A Review of the Kindle Oasis
The Amazon Kindle Oasis guarantees a great reading experience for the avid eBook reader. It is a great innovation since the Amazon oasis made a debut into the market in 2014. The Amazon Kindle introduced these devices in 2007, and it has improved the features of these devices over the years to give the readers a pleasant experience. The Amazon Kindle Oasis is the most expensive among the versions that they have produced so far. It costs a whole $289 and may seem quite expensive for a device that you will only use to read books. But if you enjoy reading, you may want the best experience that you can get from your books. Learn more about Kindle vs Nook, go here.
The 3G model is even more expensive as you would have to pay $359. If you live in the US, you would need to pay an extra $20 so that your reading is not interrupted by the annoying adverts. The main reason for the production of the Kindle Oasis is to boost Amazon's sales as Statistics have shown that their readership base has reduced. They have made the Kindle Oasis targeting the high-end market. The Kindle Oasis is not only for those who previously owned Kindle Oasis but also for new customers who would want to read eBooks on Kindle. The Kindle Oasis provides the best reading experience and it best suited for those that don't mind how much money they pay for it.
Whether you are thinking of upgrading or are a traditional reader who wants to try out the Kindle experience, the Kindle Oasis may suit your needs.
The design of the Oasis has changed drastically compared to the earlier versions of the Kindle. With the new model, Amazon aims to give the reader an experience similar to reading paper. Even though the Kindle Oasis is thicker, it allows you to read an eBook comfortably. The Kindle Oasis has a processing unit, the screen, and battery all enclosed in a metal case covered in a plastic body. The design is slimmer than the other versions with a thickness of 3.6 mm. This thickness allows you to have a firm hold of the device so that even if it is thin and slim, you balance it well and are comfortable when holding it for longer periods when on the move.
You will find two buttons on the front which you can use to flip through pages and turn on the display just like in the other previous models. Take a look at this link https://www.britannica.com/technology/Kindle for more information.